The attack that happened in a narrow street ending to an education center could have left more casualties if the suicide bomber was not recognized by Hussain Hussaini, the man who was assigned to protect Kawsar-e-Danish tutoring center in Dasht-e-Baechi area west of Kabul.
The attack left over 30 people dead, most students and were killed 77 more wounded.
It happened on Saturday evening when the students were leaving their classes, but the target was the center itself, according to security officials.
Hussaini is survived five daughters and two sons. Hussaini was 42 years old.
Four of Hussaini’s daughters were deprived from schooling due to poverty, his family said.
Hussaini’s son said his father sacrificed his life to prevent the attacker from taking more lives. But, Hussaini’s seven children and widow are suffering from economic hardships and poverty.
“He was in Iran for two years. He was working at the center for four years. He didn’t find a good job in Iran, so he returned home,” said Hanifa, Hussainu's wife. “I told him not to accept this job because of its danger, but he said let me win some bread for the children.”
“My father was always saying if I see a suicide bomber, I will not let him to cause damage to the people,” said Amin, Hussaini’s son.
After identifying the suicide attacker, Hussaini tried to get close to him and arrest him. But the attacker detonated his explosives.
Hussaini’s friends described him a kind man and students were calling him uncle Hussain.
“They are peace talks for the last two months and they are sitting in hotels, but here we see only suicide attacks and explosions,” said Nazer Hussain, victim’s uncle.
Eyewitnesses said dozens of students were in their classes when the attack happened. Videos on social media following the attack showed many teenagers who sustained injuries in the explosion.
Security guards were assigned to protect education centers in the west of Kabul after an education center was attacked in Dasht-e-Barchi in August 2018. At least 50 people, mostly students, were killed in a 2018 suicide bombing on Mawood Academy – a similar institution to the Kawsar-e-Danesh center that was attacked on Saturday evening.