The National Statistics and Information Authority (NSIA) estimates Afghanistan’s population to be 33.6 million in the current solar year of 1400 (March 2021- March 2022), an increase from last year’s estimate of 32.9 million.
According to the statistics, 51% (17.1 million) of the population is male and 49% (16.5 million) is female.
Of the total population, 23.8 million (70.8%) are rural areas residents, 8.3 (24.7%) million are living in cities and 1.5 million (4.5%) are Kochis--nomads--according to NSIA figures.
The NSIA estimates Kabul's population to be 5.38 million, with 2.7 million males and 2.6 million females.
Young people aged 10-14 make up the highest age group of Kabul province’s population at 774,000, and the smallest age group 60 - 64, at 93,000, according to estimates.
Of the total population in Kabul province, at least 4.6 million live in the city of Kabul, according to the report.