The department of Vice and Virtue of Nimroz ordered that coffee shops be closed and also ordered that wedding halls stop playing music at wedding parties.
The department warned that violators will face serious consequences.
“Within three months, sell your coffee shops, so reform can be brought into the society,” said Mawlawi Abdul Ghafar Farooq, head of the Nimroz Department of Vice and Virtue.
“When there is a prayer in the mosque, the shopkeepers are unfortunately still busy with their business,” said an official of the department of Vice and Virtue.
Meanwhile, the owners of the wedding halls said that there has been no music since last year in the wedding halls.
“They can come and search the hall,” said Darwish Ahmad, owner of one of the wedding halls.
The owners of the coffee shops said that their investment will be eliminated if their coffee shops are closed.
“We invested money here and now the department of vice and virtue says to close it. We have no other job to do,” said Nisar Ahmad, the owner of a coffee shop.
The residents of Nimroz province give their opinions:
“We were performing prayers before as well, and we are doing it now too. We encourage our children to do it as well,” said Ismail Jan, a resident of Nimroz.
According to the department of Vice and Virtue, the owners of the coffee shops were ordered three months ago to change their business but due to a lack of jobs, they have not been able to find another business for themselves.