Some participants at the 77th UN General Assembly called for Afghan women’s rights, especially for access to education and work.
Speaking at the General Assembly, Canada’s Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly said that Canada will “repel increasing attacks on the rights and freedoms of women – from Afghanistan, where the Taliban are preventing women and girls from going to school, to Myanmar.”
Retno Lestari Priansari Marsudi, Indonesia's foreign minister, was quoted in a statement by the UN as saying that she expressed Indonesia’s solidarity with Palestine as well as with Afghanistan, emphasizing that the rights of all people be respected — including access to education for women and girls.
“The women have faced many restrictions over the last year. They have been deprived of going to school. Their freedom has been taken away and they are struggling with various crises,” said Monisa Mubariz, a female rights activist.
“The women have been dismissed from work due to different excuses. Their freedom has been taken away, their free movement has been taken way,” said Zholia Parsa, a female rights activist.
This comes as the Second Deputy Prime Minister Mullah Abdul Salam Hanafi said that the Islamic Emirate seeks good relations with the international community.
“We want good relations with all of the countries and we will not allow anyone to use our soil against others. We want other countries to not interfere in our country,” he said.