Residents have complained of the high prices of vegetables, especially onions, in Kabul.
People said that the price of onions has increased in the markets in an unprecedented way, and because of the economic challenges they are not able to buy onions at the high prices.
“The high prices are not just of onions--everything has high prices,” said Brother Agha, a Kabul resident.
"The price is at its highest peak, where can people get enough money to buy onions?” said Qodratullah, a Kabul resident.
Onion sellers said that the high customs tariffs have caused the increased price of onions in the country and they asked the government to pay attention to the matter.
“We call for decreased tariffs so the prices will decrease, and our poor people can buy onions,” said Haji Ashraf, a trader.
“We call on the government to help our farmers and traders create cold storage facilities in districts and provinces,” said Abdul Maruf, a trader.
Meanwhile, the deputy head of the Afghanistan Chamber of Agriculture and Livestock said that the reason for the high prices is the lack of refrigeration in the country.
“We urge the government to create cold storage facilities in the country so we do not face import prices,” said Mirwais Hajizada, deputy head of the Afghanistan Chamber of Agriculture and Livestock.
“Work on fridges, use the fridges which are without any problems, and rebuild those which need to be rebuilt,” said Musbahuddin Mustaeen, a spokesman for the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock.
The Afghanistan Chamber of Agriculture and Livestock said that in the past week the price of vegetables, especially onions and tomatoes, have increased in the country's markets.