The Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation (MoRR), said that more than eight hundred Afghan immigrants died in various countries in the past year, and nearly two thousand others were injured.
MoRR reported that close to 3,000 more people who intended to leave the country through smuggling routes had been saved and brought back.
Officials of the Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation (MoRR), said more than seven million Afghan residents are migrants in other nations and another three million are internally displaced.
"In the last year, 952,589 Afghan immigrants from Pakistan, Iran, and other nations returned to their country. Around 3,281,000 returning households received financial and food assistance this year in collaboration with partner organizations,” said Mohammad Arsalah Kharoti, the deputy minister of Refugees and Repatriations.
According to the deputy minister of Refugees and Repatriations, 4,000 Afghan immigrants have been brought back to the country from prisons in Pakistan and Iran.
"With the joint efforts of immigrants attachés and the Afghan Embassy in Islamabad, about 3,000 Afghan refugees who were imprisoned in Pakistan and 1,000 prisoners who were imprisoned in Iran have been released from prisons, and efforts are underway to free other prisoners," Kharoti added.
Abdulmutallab Haqqani, the spokesperson of the MoRR, asked countries to not treat Afghan immigrants inappropriately.
"It is obvious that Afghan refugees who have relocated to a peaceful, safe location do not create unrest there or engage in such activities. We ask all our neighboring countries to respect their rights in accordance with international law,” Haqqani said.
Officials of the Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation said that they also provided over 60,000 returnees electronic ID cards and over 19,000 individuals with work opportunities.