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Floods Damaged Over 540 Homes: OCHA

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said that in the past ten days, rainfall in Afghanistan has resulted in the deaths of seven people and nearly 400 families have been affected.

According to OCHA's report, 1,500 acres of agricultural land have been destroyed and more than 540 homes have been demolished.

The report said that the residents of Faryab, Nangarhar, and Daikundi provinces have suffered the most damage.
The report said: "This is the third time that the northern region has experienced flooding in less than a month, with seven people killed and 384 families affected in heavy rains that occurred on 21 and 26-27 March.”

"Recently, due to the rains, there were floods that harmed a number of our farmers, and the provinces that have been affected by these floods should work together and projects should be implemented for them," said Mirwais Hajizada, deputy head of the Afghanistan Chamber of Agriculture and Livestock.
A number of affected individuals in Faryab province are requesting more assistance from the Islamic Emirate and relief agencies.

"The flood came just a few days ago, destroying our agricultural lands," said Ziauddin, an affected individual.

According to the Ministry of Disaster Management, in the past month, due to snow and rain, more than 1,600 homes have been destroyed, and more than 177,900 livestock have also died.

Floods Damaged Over 540 Homes: OCHA

According to OCHA's report, 1,500 acres of agricultural land have been destroyed and more than 540 homes have been demolished.


The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said that in the past ten days, rainfall in Afghanistan has resulted in the deaths of seven people and nearly 400 families have been affected.

According to OCHA's report, 1,500 acres of agricultural land have been destroyed and more than 540 homes have been demolished.

The report said that the residents of Faryab, Nangarhar, and Daikundi provinces have suffered the most damage.
The report said: "This is the third time that the northern region has experienced flooding in less than a month, with seven people killed and 384 families affected in heavy rains that occurred on 21 and 26-27 March.”

"Recently, due to the rains, there were floods that harmed a number of our farmers, and the provinces that have been affected by these floods should work together and projects should be implemented for them," said Mirwais Hajizada, deputy head of the Afghanistan Chamber of Agriculture and Livestock.
A number of affected individuals in Faryab province are requesting more assistance from the Islamic Emirate and relief agencies.

"The flood came just a few days ago, destroying our agricultural lands," said Ziauddin, an affected individual.

According to the Ministry of Disaster Management, in the past month, due to snow and rain, more than 1,600 homes have been destroyed, and more than 177,900 livestock have also died.

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