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تصویر بندانگشتی

Raffaella Iodice Emphasizes Role of Media in Afghanistan

Raffaella Iodice, the EU chargé d'affaires to Afghanistan, during a visit to TOLOnews, has stated the important role of the media in the country.

Iodice praised TOLOnews for being an independent media outlet amid the current political situation, saying that the European Union stands with Afghan journalists and media outlets.

The EU Charge d’Affaires for Afghanistan said: “TOLOnews is really the voice of Afghanistan and Afghan people; you are the future of a better Afghanistan. Keep strong.”

Mohammad Asif Wardak, a journalist, said: “A journalist is committed to his profession, which is a very noble one, committed to his people, and to his God, and the journalist also serves as a communication bridge.”

Hamed Alami, a journalist at TOLOnews, stated: “The media must have an accurate assessment of the situation and the demands of its audience and create a method to listen to these demands and consider them in program planning.”

Journalists said the role of media is crucial for broadcasting accurate and timely information and for bringing about reforms in the government and society.

Some journalists believe that in recent years, more people have turned to social media instead of traditional newspapers and magazines.

Mostafa Shahryar, a journalist, said: “With the evolution of the internet and the speed that has been created in the social space, visual and auditory media and online media have their unique followers.”

Media has a 140-year history in Afghanistan.

'Shams-al-Nahar,' the first newspaper, was a star of Afghan journalism and raised the voice of freedom of expression during the time of Amir Shir Ali Khan.

Raffaella Iodice Emphasizes Role of Media in Afghanistan

Some journalists believe that in recent years, more people have turned to social media instead of traditional newspapers and magazines.

تصویر بندانگشتی

Raffaella Iodice, the EU chargé d'affaires to Afghanistan, during a visit to TOLOnews, has stated the important role of the media in the country.

Iodice praised TOLOnews for being an independent media outlet amid the current political situation, saying that the European Union stands with Afghan journalists and media outlets.

The EU Charge d’Affaires for Afghanistan said: “TOLOnews is really the voice of Afghanistan and Afghan people; you are the future of a better Afghanistan. Keep strong.”

Mohammad Asif Wardak, a journalist, said: “A journalist is committed to his profession, which is a very noble one, committed to his people, and to his God, and the journalist also serves as a communication bridge.”

Hamed Alami, a journalist at TOLOnews, stated: “The media must have an accurate assessment of the situation and the demands of its audience and create a method to listen to these demands and consider them in program planning.”

Journalists said the role of media is crucial for broadcasting accurate and timely information and for bringing about reforms in the government and society.

Some journalists believe that in recent years, more people have turned to social media instead of traditional newspapers and magazines.

Mostafa Shahryar, a journalist, said: “With the evolution of the internet and the speed that has been created in the social space, visual and auditory media and online media have their unique followers.”

Media has a 140-year history in Afghanistan.

'Shams-al-Nahar,' the first newspaper, was a star of Afghan journalism and raised the voice of freedom of expression during the time of Amir Shir Ali Khan.

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