Some residents, local officials, and social activists in Ghor criticize the delay in delivering aid to the flood victims of this province.
They say that as a result of recent floods in this province, more than 100 people have died, over 150 people have been injured, and more than 5,000 houses have been destroyed.
Yasin Matin, spokesperson for the Ghor People's Committee, who has come to Kabul to draw the government's and national and international organizations' attention to this matter, said: "We request national and international organizations and charities to deliver their aid promptly to prevent a humanitarian disaster in Ghor."
The commander of the 3rd Brigade in Badghis also stated that the aid provided by official organizations is not sufficient and called on national and international charities to provide more assistance to the people of Ghor.
Anas Motaki, commander of the 3rd Brigade in Badghis, said: "We have had about 100 fatalities in Ghor province and its related districts. There are 150 injured people, and so far, no aid or cooperation has been provided."
Meanwhile, a representative of Ghor social activists warns of the risk of the Jam Minaret collapsing and urges officials and international organizations to take this historical monument seriously.
Ahmad Wali Sazesh, a representative of Ghor social activists, said: "The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and UNESCO, which has registered this minaret, should at least not remain silent in this situation. The Jam Minaret is of cultural value to every Ghor resident."
Recent floods in most of the country's provinces have caused significant financial and human losses to the residents, and many of these residents also criticize the delay in receiving aid.