The acting Minister of Borders and Tribal Affairs, Noorullah Noori, during a visit to Logar province, in a meeting titled "Stability of the Islamic System, Unity, and Cohesion of the People" said that protecting the country's borders is part of the Islamic Emirate's responsibilities.
Noori added that the country's borders are among the values of the people, and the Islamic Emirate will never hesitate to protect them.
The acting Minister said: "A single span of Afghanistan's land is more valuable than our own lives. These are the boundaries of the Islamic system, and it is our duty to protect them."
In part of his speech, Noorullah Noori once again criticized the presence of foreign forces in Afghanistan, stating that they came to this country not to cooperate with the people but to distract the minds of Afghans.
He said: "The Americans did not come here just to maintain a stronghold and suppress the Islamic Emirate's members; they came to fundamentally destroy beliefs and religion."
At the same time, the head of Jirgas and Tribal Coordination of this ministry, who was also present at the meeting, emphasized that Islam has given everyone their rights, and the nation and the ruler are obliged to respect each other's rights.
Hazrat Wali Haqqani, head of Jirgas and Tribal Coordination, added: "If ethnic or linguistic bigotry arises, it is either created by a prominent figure of a tribe or by a governor or head of a province. Viewing one tribe in one way and another in a different way creates problems in villages and among tribes."
The acting Minister of Borders and Tribal Affairs also emphasized in this meeting that a real Islamic system has been established in Afghanistan, which has been achieved through many sacrifices, and now it must be protected.