The General Directorate of Passports states that after the establishment of three passport distribution centers in Kabul, the passport distribution process has accelerated.
Noorullah Patman, the directorate spokesman, told TOLOnews that citizens can now obtain a passport within a week.
According to the spokesperson for the Passport Directorate, 70,000 to 75,000 passports have been distributed to individuals in the past week.
Noorullah Patman said, "With the opening of three centers in Kabul, the demands and problems of the people have been addressed. We distribute 12,000 passports daily throughout the country, and in the past week, between 70,000 and 75,000 passports have been distributed to citizens. These three centers were established to address the demands and solve the problems of the people, and work is actively ongoing."
Passport applicants also seem pleased with the distribution process after the establishment of these three centers.
Miraj, one of the applicants, told a TOLOnews reporter: "I applied a week ago and was biometrically processed today. It is very good that three centers have been established in Kabul."
Citizens urge the Islamic Emirate to maintain the passport distribution process in this manner permanently.
Sayed Hashim, a passport applicant, said: "Our request is that this process continues in the same way so that we can get our passports sooner."
Abdul Wadood, another applicant, said: "It has been a month since I registered, and now it's my turn for biometric processing. I have also deposited the bank fee, and we did not have to wait long."
According to the statistics of the General Directorate of Passports, nearly 2 million passports have been distributed to people across the country in the past year.
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