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تصویر بندانگشتی

US-Afghan Trade Chamber Praises Currency Stability

The Central Bank of Afghanistan said that the chairman of the Afghanistan-America Joint Chamber of Commerce, Jeff Greico, said the performance of the bank in the past three years has been effective in maintaining the value of the Afghan currency against foreign currencies, and he expressed his support for the private sector and banking activities in Afghanistan.

Hassibullah Noori, the spokesperson of the Central Bank, said that Jeff Grieco, the president of the Afghan American Chamber of Commerce, raised the issue during a meeting with the first deputy of this bank.

According to Noori, the first deputy of the Central Bank also emphasized during this meeting the prevention of money laundering and income from crimes, the standardization of the money exchange sector and money service providers, and controlling inflation according to global standards.

The spokesperson of the Central Bank said: "In the past three years, the Central Bank of Afghanistan has successfully maintained the value of the Afghan currency and somewhat controlled inflation. Significant steps have also been taken in liquidity management and strengthening the banking system."

Several economic experts consider the provision of more facilities in banking services and support for the banking and private sectors vital for the country's economic growth.

Abdul Nasir Rashtia, an economic expert, said: "If the Bank of Afghanistan operates according to established laws and global standards, and serious financial support is provided to the private sector, this support can significantly contribute to Afghanistan's economic growth."

Abdul Ghafar Nezami, another economic expert, said: "From the latest statements of the Central Bank, it is clear that they intend to focus more on the banking sector. It is necessary for Islamic banking to develop in Afghanistan."

Previously, in the third Doha meeting on Afghanistan, emphasis was also placed on supporting the private and banking sectors in the country.

US-Afghan Trade Chamber Praises Currency Stability

The president of the Afghan American Chamber of Commerce, raised the issue during a meeting with the first deputy of this bank.

تصویر بندانگشتی

The Central Bank of Afghanistan said that the chairman of the Afghanistan-America Joint Chamber of Commerce, Jeff Greico, said the performance of the bank in the past three years has been effective in maintaining the value of the Afghan currency against foreign currencies, and he expressed his support for the private sector and banking activities in Afghanistan.

Hassibullah Noori, the spokesperson of the Central Bank, said that Jeff Grieco, the president of the Afghan American Chamber of Commerce, raised the issue during a meeting with the first deputy of this bank.

According to Noori, the first deputy of the Central Bank also emphasized during this meeting the prevention of money laundering and income from crimes, the standardization of the money exchange sector and money service providers, and controlling inflation according to global standards.

The spokesperson of the Central Bank said: "In the past three years, the Central Bank of Afghanistan has successfully maintained the value of the Afghan currency and somewhat controlled inflation. Significant steps have also been taken in liquidity management and strengthening the banking system."

Several economic experts consider the provision of more facilities in banking services and support for the banking and private sectors vital for the country's economic growth.

Abdul Nasir Rashtia, an economic expert, said: "If the Bank of Afghanistan operates according to established laws and global standards, and serious financial support is provided to the private sector, this support can significantly contribute to Afghanistan's economic growth."

Abdul Ghafar Nezami, another economic expert, said: "From the latest statements of the Central Bank, it is clear that they intend to focus more on the banking sector. It is necessary for Islamic banking to develop in Afghanistan."

Previously, in the third Doha meeting on Afghanistan, emphasis was also placed on supporting the private and banking sectors in the country.

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