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تصویر بندانگشتی

Kabul Residents Complain of High Price of Medicine Amid Increased Illnesses

Residents of Kabul say they are frustrated by the rise in various illnesses and the high prices of medicine in the capital's pharmacies.

The residents of the capital are urging the Ministry of Public Health to take serious measures to regulate the prices of medicine across all pharmacies.

With the onset of winter and the cold weather, air pollution is cited as the cause of many illnesses in Kabul.

Shirullah, who brought his son to Kabul from Parwan for treatment, complained about the high cost of medicine in the capital's pharmacies, saying: "In one pharmacy, the price of medicine is one amount, and in another pharmacy, it is different. Overall, the price of medicine is extremely high."

"In private hospitals, the doctor charges for his consultation separately, the lab charges additional fees, and the medicine costs even more. They are trading in medicine,” said Rahim Gul, another caregiver.

"Currently, 80% of the cases are related to colds, flu, and severe chest infections. The number of patients has surged to such an extent that we don't even have enough beds for them,” said Sadiq Zahirzai, a doctor.

The Ministry of Public Health, despite repeated inquiries by a TOLOnews reporter, did not comment on the increase in illnesses in the capital.

Kabul Residents Complain of High Price of Medicine Amid Increased Illnesses

With the onset of winter and the cold weather, air pollution is cited as the cause of many illnesses in Kabul.

تصویر بندانگشتی

Residents of Kabul say they are frustrated by the rise in various illnesses and the high prices of medicine in the capital's pharmacies.

The residents of the capital are urging the Ministry of Public Health to take serious measures to regulate the prices of medicine across all pharmacies.

With the onset of winter and the cold weather, air pollution is cited as the cause of many illnesses in Kabul.

Shirullah, who brought his son to Kabul from Parwan for treatment, complained about the high cost of medicine in the capital's pharmacies, saying: "In one pharmacy, the price of medicine is one amount, and in another pharmacy, it is different. Overall, the price of medicine is extremely high."

"In private hospitals, the doctor charges for his consultation separately, the lab charges additional fees, and the medicine costs even more. They are trading in medicine,” said Rahim Gul, another caregiver.

"Currently, 80% of the cases are related to colds, flu, and severe chest infections. The number of patients has surged to such an extent that we don't even have enough beds for them,” said Sadiq Zahirzai, a doctor.

The Ministry of Public Health, despite repeated inquiries by a TOLOnews reporter, did not comment on the increase in illnesses in the capital.

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