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تصویر بندانگشتی

Pezeshkian Emphasizes Pursuing Iran's Water Rights

Masoud Pezeshkian, the President of Iran, stated during a televised interview on Friday that discussions are underway with Afghan authorities regarding Iran’s water rights.

In this interview, Pezeshkian referred to Afghanistan as Iran's brother and noted that the governor of Sistan and Baluchistan, along with Iran’s Minister of Energy, are actively following up on the matter of water rights.

At the same time, during a visit to Sistan and Baluchistan province, Iran’s Minister of Energy also emphasized pursuing Iran’s water rights through engagement and dialogue with Afghanistan’s interim government.

Abbas Aliabadi, Iran’s Minister of Energy, stated, “One of the most important issues is engaging with our neighboring country. I am following various matters.”

The Islamic Emirate has not commented on the statements made by the Iranian President and Minister of Energy.

Najibullah Sadeed, a water management expert, commented on Iran's water rights over the past three years: “Iran has received sufficient water from the Helmand River over the past three years, but since this water has not been delivered according to the protocol—meaning it has not been signed off by Iranian commissioners—the matter remains ambiguous. Therefore, we recommend the construction of water intake points and sharing of data related to Dehrawud to ensure water is delivered to Iran based on the protocol.”

A few days ago, Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed concerns over the filling of the Pashtan Dam in Herat and the restriction of water flow into Iran. 

However, Mawlawi Abdul Kabir, the former Deputy Prime Minister for Political Affairs, responded to Iran’s concerns, stating that agreements on water rights have been made between the two countries and that irresponsible statements by Iranian officials in this regard could negatively affect bilateral relations.

Pezeshkian Emphasizes Pursuing Iran's Water Rights

The Islamic Emirate has not commented on the statements made by the Iranian President and Minister of Energy.

تصویر بندانگشتی

Masoud Pezeshkian, the President of Iran, stated during a televised interview on Friday that discussions are underway with Afghan authorities regarding Iran’s water rights.

In this interview, Pezeshkian referred to Afghanistan as Iran's brother and noted that the governor of Sistan and Baluchistan, along with Iran’s Minister of Energy, are actively following up on the matter of water rights.

At the same time, during a visit to Sistan and Baluchistan province, Iran’s Minister of Energy also emphasized pursuing Iran’s water rights through engagement and dialogue with Afghanistan’s interim government.

Abbas Aliabadi, Iran’s Minister of Energy, stated, “One of the most important issues is engaging with our neighboring country. I am following various matters.”

The Islamic Emirate has not commented on the statements made by the Iranian President and Minister of Energy.

Najibullah Sadeed, a water management expert, commented on Iran's water rights over the past three years: “Iran has received sufficient water from the Helmand River over the past three years, but since this water has not been delivered according to the protocol—meaning it has not been signed off by Iranian commissioners—the matter remains ambiguous. Therefore, we recommend the construction of water intake points and sharing of data related to Dehrawud to ensure water is delivered to Iran based on the protocol.”

A few days ago, Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed concerns over the filling of the Pashtan Dam in Herat and the restriction of water flow into Iran. 

However, Mawlawi Abdul Kabir, the former Deputy Prime Minister for Political Affairs, responded to Iran’s concerns, stating that agreements on water rights have been made between the two countries and that irresponsible statements by Iranian officials in this regard could negatively affect bilateral relations.

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