Addressing the 17th conference of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Summit in Kazakhstan’s Astana city on Friday, President Ashraf Ghani called for joint efforts against terrorism and said those countries which differentiate between good terrorists and bad terrorists will pay the price for it.
Afghanistan participated as an observer state of the organization at the summit, but the country’s security was one of the key issues discussed at the conference.
President Ghani said Afghanistan is on the frontline of the war against terrorism.
He also called for honest cooperation of regional countries and expansion of relations in regional level.
“Paving the way for connection of members and observer countries of Shanghai world organization is a vital step that must be taken. Afghanistan’s location at the heart of Asia and as a door to the south Asia has changed our country as a regional corridor,” said Ghani.
India and Pakistan were accepted as new members of the Shanghai organization at the summit.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said the organization could play an important role in bringing peace in Afghanistan.
“Whether it is the issue of extremism, terrorists recruitments or their financial resources, it will not be resolved unless all the countries work together,” Modi said.
Meanwhile, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin said Afghanistan’s war does not have a military solution.
“Military solution is not worth to discuss. Russia and Shanghai Cooperation Organization believe in political solution. We will stand by Afghanistan and will work with Afghanistan in this respect,” said Putin.
Shanghai Cooperation Organization was established in 2001 with the aim of expansion of military and economic ties among regional countries.
China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, India and Pakistan are members of the Shanghai organization.