Atta Mohammad Noor, the chief executive of the Jamiat-e-Islami party, on Saturday accused Salahuddin Rabbani, the chairman of the party, and Ahmad Zia Massoud, a party member, of trying to monopolize the chairmanship of the party.
This comes two days after a number of members of the Jamiat-e-Islami Leadership Council, in a move led by Atta Mohammad Noor, voted in a majority to replace the current leader Salahuddin Rabbani with Enayatullah Shadab, who will now lead the council.
“They (Rabbani) said that I will not attend a meeting with Mr. Qanooni (Mohammad Younus Qanooni a member of Jamiat’s leadership council), they said they will not attend a meeting if there is Dr. Abdullah (Abdullah Abdullah the chairman of high peace council of national reconciliation). Then what meeting are you are going to attend?" Noor told TOLOnews on Saturday.
Noor said that Rabbani apparently disagrees about convening the party’s congress.
“It seems that Mr. Rabbani is against convening the congress, he wants to keep his grip on the chairmanship, whatever you call it, this is not a simple issue, he served nine years as chairman and two months as acting chief,” added Noor.
Noor said that currently Jamiat-e-Islami party is passing through a difficult time.
“If Jamiat is not involved in this game (national issues), of course, in that case, Jamiat will move towards isolation and we could see a very bad situation for Jamiat, this is what we do not want to see,” said Noor.
Meanwhile, Ahmad Zia Massoud, a member of the Jamiat party, accused Atta Mohammad Noor of making deals with the government and misusing the reputation of the party.
“Atta Mohammad Noor himself is responsible for the shortcomings and inactions. He also misused the name of Jamiat party and entered into political deals with Mr. Ashraf Ghani several times and the leadership council of Jamiat was not aware of it. Regarding the party congress, once all preparations had been completed to arrange the party congress, Atta Mohammad Noor himself said that we can't do that because of security threats,” said Ahmad Zia Massoud, a member of Jamiat-e-Islami.
Tensions have risen among members of the Jamiat-e-Islami party, led by Atta Mohammad Noor, after Enayatullah Shadab' replaced Salahuddin Rabbani.
Salahuddin Rabbani headed the Jamiat-e-Islami party after the assassination of the late Burhanuddin Rabbani, the former head of the High Peace Council.
Tensions between Salahuddin Rabbani and a number of members of the party escalated after an agreement was signed between President Ghani and Abdullah Abdullah, Chairman of the High Council for National Reconciliation.
Intra-Party Conspiracy
In retaliation, Salahuddin Rabbani on Friday issued a statement in which he "suspended" the membership of Atta Mohammad Noor and several key members of the party, accusing them of intra-party conspiracies.
“Since the Bonn deal, various domestic and foreign conspiracies have been carried out against Jamiat-e- Islami Afghanistan, as the party which has the honor of leading political struggle, Jihad and resistance in the more than sixty years of its history.
From the chain of assassinations of prominent figures of this party, including Professor Burhanuddin Rabbani, leader of Jihad and resistance and martyr of peace, to attempts to weaken and marginalize the party through bribery and making deals with some figures affiliated with this party-- all of this has been part of a strategy pursued by domestic and foreign enemies of this party aimed at its weakening and eventual dissolution,” the statement said.
The statement also said:
The current leadership of Jamiat-e-Islami, which has made all their decisions in consultation with senior members of the party by taking into account the collective will and demands of its members in all important issues including the 2019 elections, the post-election decisions on the participation in the Government, the peace process and the formation of the negotiating team, announces the following decisions with regard to the recent intra-party conspiracy:
The statement also stated the following:
* The leadership council of Jamiat-e- Islami Afghanistan does not allow any individual or group to take advantage of this party for their individual and trivial employment-seeking targets and to make deals on the values of the party.
* Having inaugurated its new Headquarters in Kabul, the leadership of Jamiat-e- Islami Afghanistan continues to take serious steps towards fundamental and meaningful reforms in line with the party’s principles, constitution and the ideals of hundreds of thousands of its martyrs.
* Jamiat-e-Islami Afghanistan will assign a committee in the near future to assess the holding of the party’s congress in accordance with the party’s constitution and vision and to submit its proposals to the leadership council.
* Jamiat-e-Islami Afghanistan has already established its position as the active political opposition to the government and will take concrete steps in this regard, after consultations with all important parties and movements.
* Jamiat-e-Islami reiterates its stance on the current government which is based on fraud and that taking part in such a government would be equal to taking part in the orchestration of electoral fraud and burying the young democracy in Afghanistan.
* With a firm belief in the vital need to achieve peace and bearing in mind the sacrifices it has made in this effort including the martyrdom of Prof. Rabbani, Jamiat-e-Islami will shortly introduce an independent and non-governmental negotiating team to ensure the active participation of this party in the national dialogues of peace with the Taliban.
* As part of its reform agenda and to put an end to the misuse of the party’s affiliation, Jamiat-e-Islami Afghanistan suspends the membership of Atta Mohammad Noor, Mohammad Younus Qanooni, Kalimullah Naqibi, Abdul Hafeez Mansour, Abdul Shakoor Waqef Hakimi, Sayed Enaytullah Shadab and Abdul Sattar Murad, who have repeatedly committed wrongdoings within the party and made indecent deals in the name of Jamiat-e-Islami.