Parliament Members (MPs) in their Saturday session once again sharply criticized government for not having introduced new candidates to fill the positions of the seven ministers they recently dismissed.
Once again, MPs said that the dismissed ministers should not be working in acting minister capacities.
“The continuation of dismissed ministers in their positions is against the law. Working as acting ministers is also only for a specific period of time,” said Abdul Raouf Ibrahimi, speaker of parliament.
Seven ministers were dismissed by MPs more than one month ago over not spending their development budget.
Government has however referred the matter to the Supreme Court for an interpretation of article 92 of the constitution that deals with the dismissal of ministers. The court has not yet ruled.
“It has been more than a month since the issue was sent to the Supreme Court, but the court has not yet released its decision and no one from the court wants to speak in this regard,” said Ainuddin Bahaduri, a member of Afghanistan’s Lawyer Union (ALU).
The office of the CEO meanwhile said dismissed ministers will continue their work until the Supreme Court releases its decision.
“We hope that the Supreme Court shares with us its decision soon over the fate of dismissed ministers,” said Omid Maisam, deputy spokesman of CEO.