The graduation ceremony at Bamyan University was held and nearly 1,300 male and female students graduated from various fields, according to Bamyan University officials.
“1,300 male and female students graduated in this round,” said Hazrat Mohammad Burhani, the chancellor of Bamyan University.
Meanwhile, graduates from the university asked the Islamic Emirate to provide work opportunities for them.
"I am delighted that I graduated from the university in this very tough situation, and I hope that I will be given a job,” said Jamila, a student.
"I hope that the government will provide us with a good environment so we can serve our nation,” said Amina, a student.
“190 students graduated from the Faculty of Economics this year alone, and all of them need jobs,” said Mohammad Baqer Marefat, lecturer at the university.
Nearly 300 students have just been introduced to Bamyan University by the Ministry of Higher Education and will begin their studies there next year, according to university authorities.