Local officials in Badakhshan province said that over the past ten months, they have collected 1,200 drug addicts from the provincial center and districts and referred them to treatment centers.
According to them, among these individuals, children and women have also undergone treatment.
Abdi Mohammad Nasimi, head of data collection for the counter-narcotics department of Badakhshan police headquarters, said: "In the past ten months, we have collected about 1,200 people from the center and districts and referred them to rehabilitation hospitals. Currently, over 200 others are still undergoing treatment in these hospitals."
Some individuals undergoing treatment are urging the caretaker government officials to not only prevent the cultivation and trafficking of narcotics but also to create employment opportunities for them.
"Our demand is for narcotics to be completely eradicated. If drugs remain available in the market, we will return to using them,” said Hamidullah, one of the individuals under treatment.
"We ask the Islamic Emirate to stop the trafficking of narcotics and to create job opportunities for us. If there is no work, we will turn to addiction again,” said Mohammad Hashim, another addict.
According to information from the counter-narcotics department of the Badakhshan police headquarters, there are currently four government-run drug rehabilitation centers and two private counseling centers operating in the province. More than 200 drug addicts are being treated in these centers.
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