Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah on Tuesday criticized Special Forces for “unprofessional” and “inhuman” treatment towards Martyrs Week or Massoud Day mourners in Kabul on Monday.
A footage on social media from Monday shows three members of Police Special Unit beating a Kabul resident on a road on charges of carrying illegal gun and creating disorder in the city on Massoud Day which is observed on September 9 every year.
On September 9, 2001, Ahmad Shah Massoud, leader of the Northern Alliance and Afghanistan’s National Hero, was assassinated in a bomb blast by two men affiliated to al-Qaida.
Mr. Abdullah said roaming of illegal armed men in the city on Massoud Day is not legal but added that the Special Forces did not treat some of the mourners well.
“Some videos have been made public which shows the Special Forces treatment with the citizens. This is not acceptable. It is an unprofessional treatment and it was inhuman and this type of treatment must end,” Mr. Abdullah said at a ceremony in Kabul on Tuesday.
Acting Minister of Interior Massoud Andarabi said that 138 people were arrested by Kabul Garrison and Kabul Police on Monday who were creating disorder in the city.
He said at least two people were killed in the indiscriminate firing in the city on Massoud Day.
“Some suspects who were misusing the [Massoud] day and were creating horror [in the city],” he said.
Sayed Mohammad Noor Sadat, a Kabul Garrison member was killed after he was shot by Massoud Day mourners in downtown Kabul on Monday, the Ministry of Defense said in a statement.
The incident happened near Traffic Square in Kabul’s Police District 4 (PD4) while a group of young men carrying weapons and driving stained vehicles were passing through the area, the statement said
According to the Ministry of Interior, beside the death of Sadat one civilian was also killed in the shooting on Massoud Day.
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