Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah on Wednesday reiterated that the Taliban has no will for talks as they continue the war by making different excuses.
Addressing a ceremony in Kabul on Mother’s Day, Abdullah said the Taliban is the main reason behind the continuation of violence in the country and that the group is the main obstacle for the peace talks.
Abdullah said that the presidential elections should be held in order to bring changes in the country.
“The opportunity for [peace] talks has been provided, but they [the Taliban] show that they don’t have any will for ensuring peace in our country by making different excuses, including the number of women on a list and insisting on irrational stances,” Abdullah said.
Abdullah said the Taliban and other insurgent groups’ survival depends on supporting each other.
He emphasized that while the people of Afghanistan and the international community are insisting on bringing peace in Afghanistan, but the Taliban thinks that if the foreign troop leave Afghanistan, they will gain power and take control of the country.
“Their [militants] lives have been mixed in a way that survival of one of them depends on the other,” said Abdullah.
He said the presidential elections should be held on time adding that the polls will not create any obstacle for the peace talks.