Representatives of the United Nations, the European Union and other human rights organizations at a gathering in Kabul on Tuesday discussed the situation of children in Afghanistan and said they have been “hardest hit” by the ongoing conflicts in the country.
Those who attended the “Children of Afghanistan – They deserve a better future” forum, said that thorough attention must be paid to the plight of Afghan children.
“In Afghanistan, we can say with certainty that this is the world’s deadliest country for children, this is the country where more children died in 2018 than anywhere else because of conflict, than anywhere else,” said Toby Lanzer, UNAMA’s deputy special representative.
The head of the European Union delegation in Afghanistan, Pierre Mayaudon, shared his concern:
“Out of twenty million Afghan children at least, but I think the figures is maybe a bit optimistic, 3.7 million are out of school and 60 percent of Afghan girls actually don’t attend school,” he said.
“We recorded 1,997 cases of child labor in 2019,” said Razia Sayad, a member of the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission.
War and economic problems are cited as the main problems impeding children’s education in Afghanistan. According to the UN, over 530 schools were attacked in Afghanistan in 2018.