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تصویر بندانگشتی

Chinese Delegation to Aid Afghan Heritage

The chargé d'affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Afghanistan, during a meeting with the Deputy Minister of Culture and Arts of the Ministry of Information and Culture, announced that a professional delegation from the Chinese Archaeology Administration will visit Afghanistan next week.

The Chinese chargé d'affaires stated that the purpose of this delegation's visit is to collaborate with Afghan archaeologists in the preservation and consolidation of the Mes Aynak archaeological sites, the National Museum, historical monuments, and to expedite the Mes Aynak project.

Khabib Ghuffran, the spokesperson for the Ministry of Information and Culture, said about this meeting: "They mentioned a technical delegation that will come to Afghanistan next week and will cooperate with the technical team of the Ministry of Information and Culture in the restoration, preservation, and reconstruction of historical sites."

At the same time, Atiqullah Azizi, the Deputy Minister of Culture and Arts of the Ministry of Information and Culture, called the visit of the professional archaeology delegation from China important and promised that the necessary facilities would be provided for this delegation.

Kitab Khan Faizi, head of the International Research Center for Kushan Studies at the Academy of Sciences, said: "In addition to scientific research, cooperation in the restoration of historical relics is essential because some of the archaeological sites that have been destroyed are almost on the verge of destruction as they are not being preserved."

Mohammad Anwar Faiz, Deputy Senior Researcher at the International Research Center for Kushan Studies at the Academy of Sciences, said: "The research department of the Academy of Sciences and the archaeology department of the Ministry of Information and Culture, with their consultation, can make progress effectively."

In this meeting, the Deputy Minister of Culture and Arts of the Ministry of Information and Culture also added that Afghanistan is a country rich in antiquities and monuments, and China's cooperation in this regard is important.

Chinese Delegation to Aid Afghan Heritage

Afghanistan is a country rich in antiquities and monuments, and China's cooperation in this regard is important.

تصویر بندانگشتی

The chargé d'affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Afghanistan, during a meeting with the Deputy Minister of Culture and Arts of the Ministry of Information and Culture, announced that a professional delegation from the Chinese Archaeology Administration will visit Afghanistan next week.

The Chinese chargé d'affaires stated that the purpose of this delegation's visit is to collaborate with Afghan archaeologists in the preservation and consolidation of the Mes Aynak archaeological sites, the National Museum, historical monuments, and to expedite the Mes Aynak project.

Khabib Ghuffran, the spokesperson for the Ministry of Information and Culture, said about this meeting: "They mentioned a technical delegation that will come to Afghanistan next week and will cooperate with the technical team of the Ministry of Information and Culture in the restoration, preservation, and reconstruction of historical sites."

At the same time, Atiqullah Azizi, the Deputy Minister of Culture and Arts of the Ministry of Information and Culture, called the visit of the professional archaeology delegation from China important and promised that the necessary facilities would be provided for this delegation.

Kitab Khan Faizi, head of the International Research Center for Kushan Studies at the Academy of Sciences, said: "In addition to scientific research, cooperation in the restoration of historical relics is essential because some of the archaeological sites that have been destroyed are almost on the verge of destruction as they are not being preserved."

Mohammad Anwar Faiz, Deputy Senior Researcher at the International Research Center for Kushan Studies at the Academy of Sciences, said: "The research department of the Academy of Sciences and the archaeology department of the Ministry of Information and Culture, with their consultation, can make progress effectively."

In this meeting, the Deputy Minister of Culture and Arts of the Ministry of Information and Culture also added that Afghanistan is a country rich in antiquities and monuments, and China's cooperation in this regard is important.

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