Mix The City – Afghanistan, an interactive musical experience connecting music and cities, was held at the UK Embassy in Kabul this week where Afghan artists performed folk songs and played traditional music.
The British Ambassador to Kabul Nicholas Kay said the festival is part of his country’s program for the improvement of music and arts in Afghanistan.
Hazaragi, Uzbek, Pashto and Farsi songs were performed by 12 singers from across the country.
Kay said the diversity of music, culture and languages in Afghanistan are a symbol of unity and cultural heritage of this country.
“Mix The City – Afghanistan is a celebration of the rich diversity in Afghanistan of music, of arts, of culture, of languages,” he said.
The Ministry of Information and Culture said the development of traditional and local music has not progressed as hoped due to the situation in the country.
“The Ministry of Information and Culture continues its efforts to bring the Afghan music to its real direction and to support it as our cultural heritage,” said Rasul Bawari, deputy minister of information and culture.
Mix the City - Afghanistan is a creative video and music project. It is an interactive musical experience connecting music and cities with end-users accessing online digital music.
It was originally created by the British Council in collaboration with Flying Object and Roll Studio. The final output of the program is the production of music which the end user can use to produce pieces of music which combine the sounds of a variety of Afghan music genres, both traditional and modern, and instrument types, to create a new portfolio of music.