Afghan carrier Kam Air hopes to continue its flights to New Delhi—once a week—despite a new decision that will allow state-owned companies to conduct the flights starting from next month.
Kam Air deputy chief Farid Paikar said on Friday the company has received permission for its flights to New Delhi that will start in January 2021.
He said that the Afghanistan Civil Aviation Authority has also vowed cooperation in this respect.
“The Civil Aviation Authority has vowed cooperation to resolve the issue. We have got permission from the civil aviation authority of India,” Paikar said.
Mohammad Qasim Wafaeezada, head of Afghanistan Civil Aviation Authority said that the Indian government has decided on the flights, not the Afghan government.
He said that based on the Indian government’s decision, state-owned aviation companies—Ariana Airlines from Afghanistan and Air India from India—will have one flight every week.
The Afghan Civil Aviation Authority in a letter lately announced that the Kabul-Delhi and Delhi-Kabul flights will be conducted by Ariana Afghan Airlines starting from January.
Following the decision, the Civil Aviation Authority in a letter warned Kam Air, a private-owned Afghan company, to stop its flights to India.
Analysts said this week that the decision will pose huge challenges to aviation companies in the country if it is implemented.