An exhibition was held in the Kabul, in which the country's domestic products are being displayed.
The Ministry of Industry and Mines (MoIC) said that efforts are underway in support of the private sector and that such exhibitions will be held outside the country to promote markets for Afghan products.
“We are hoping for a day that such exhibitions will be held in Arabic countries like the UAE, and other countries like China and Central Asia as well as neighboring countries,” said Nooruddin Azizi, acting Minister of the MoIC.
The head of the Government Media and Information Center (GMIC), Inamullah Samangani, said that the industrial sector needs to be supported in order to reach economic self-sufficiency.
“This is the time for us to rely on our own strength and increase our exports and domestic products," he said.
Participants of the exhibition expressed optimism, saying that such exhibitions can increase markets for their products.
"It has a lot of problems because we have foreign visitors as well and this can promote Afghanistan’s industry abroad," said Azizullah, a trader.
The exhibition is set for three days. There are a total of nearly 200 rooms, in which the traders displayed their products.
Women entrepreneurs also attended the exhibition.
"Entrepreneurs brought their products, which included handmade crafts such as clothes and jewelry," said Arozo Rameen, an entrepreneur.