A large exhibition of agriculture products was held in the Badam Bagh area of Kabul.
Speaking at the inauguration ceremony, the Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock, Ataullah Omari, urged the citizens to use domestic products.
He also vowed that the Islamic Emirate will support the farmers in the country.
“The exhibition, which is held annually, aims to encourage the farmers and display the products of the farmers. Our country has all types of products,” Omari said.
The Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock, Sadra Azam, said that the ministry is trying to provide facilities for the farmers in the country.
“Our goal in the agriculture sector is to address the challenges of the farmers and solve their problems,” he said.
“Our farmers are the most vulnerable parts of our society, who produce products with their tired hands,” said Mahajar Farahi, Deputy Minister of Information and Culture.
Participants at the exhibition said it was important to improve markets.
“If we are able to find a foreign market, our products will increase,” said Ghuncha Karimi, participant.
“Holding such an exhibition has a positive impact on the productive and agriculture companies,” said Abdul Hai, participant.
The exhibition runs for four days, where agriculture products from 34 provinces of the country are displayed. There are 263 stalls, with 56 of them owned by women.