Officials from the Agriculture and Irrigation Ministry expressed hope that farmers will get rid of drought after the recent rains in the country. But farmers said they fear a drop in their crops the same as the previous years in areas that are vulnerable to drought.
Misbahuhddin Mustaeen, a spokesman for the ministry, said the current government has prepared for an emergency situation due to drought in the country.
“Droughts are increasing worldwide, but after recent rains in the country, it gave us hope that we would be less vulnerable to this compared to the past,” said Musbahuhddin Mustaeen.
Meanwhile, some farmers in different provinces expressed concerns over drought and not getting the desired results from their crops.
“Neither from the dam nor from the sea, there is no water for us. Wells have been drying for the past two years, and we are vulnerable. Nobody is helping us,” said Astashan, a farmer.
“Last year's drought was too much, and we were not able to irrigate our lands even after 25 days, but Allah knows better what will happen this year,” said Ghulam Ali, a Farmer.
The Chamber of Agriculture and Irrigation said that one of the reasons for the increase in drought in the country is the lack of water management in recent years.
“Unfortunately, our water without any management went to our neighboring countries. If Qosh Tepa Canal, Kamal Khan Dam, and Kunar Water Canal are built according to standards, Afghanistan will not face drought,” said Merwis Haji Zada, deputy of the Chamber of Agriculture and Irrigation.
Based on the information of the chamber, Afghanistan receives up to 80 billion cubic meters of water annually from rain and snowfall, and its annual expenses of water reach 25 billion cubic meters.
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