The Ministry of Industry and Commerce reports a fifty-three percent increase in trade with Turkey in 1402.
Based on information from this ministry, trade with Turkey last year was valued at over $100 million, of which $27 million consisted of exports.
Akhundzada Abdul Salam Jawad, the spokesperson for the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, stated: "During the year 1402, the trade volume was about $107 million, with exports accounting for $27 million and imports for $80 million, indicating a 53% increase compared to 1401."
The Chamber of Industries and Mines also emphasized the need to focus on Turkey's investments in Afghanistan alongside trade.
Sakhi Ahmad Payman, the first deputy of the Chamber of Industries and Mines, said: "In the past one and a half years, Turkish investors have shown interest in investing in Afghanistan's mining and energy sectors, which is a very good opportunity."
Previously, a delegation led by Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, deputy prime minister for economic affairs, traveled to Turkey to discuss expanding trade and economic relations with Turkish officials.