Based on a recent study, quoted by the Minister of Labor, Social Affairs, Martyrs and Disabled on Saturday, unemployment in the country has risen in the past solar year by two percent.
Minister Faizullah Zaki said on Saturday that the rise in unemployment is a serious cause for concern.
Last year the estimated unemployment rate was 25 percent, which has now risen to 27 percent.
Three years ago, the National Unity Government (NUG) promised to create jobs and stamp out poverty. But today, the situation is worse, Zaki said.
“Based on recent assessments, the unemployment rate has increased by two percent and as you know more workers enter the job market (every year) and the problem is increasing,” said Zaki.
Officials from the Workers Union meanwhile said around 400,000 new workers enter the job market annually and government needs to implement job creation projects.
The Chairman of the National Union of Afghanistan's Workers and Employees, Maroof Qaderi, said if government does not handle the issue of unemployment properly, in the next few years Afghanistan will witness a crisis in terms of unemployment.
“Enormous unemployment problems exist in the country and still the problems are in place. Government’s plans have not been effective in this regard to prevent unemployment and the problem is increasing,” said Qaderi.
Unemployment has been one of the reasons behind the high levels of poverty in the country. Experts believe that a lack of major employment projects and insecurity are the reasons for this.