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NASA Joins Rocket Lab to Launch 1st of Two Cyclone-Monitoring Satellites

(Reuters) NASA on Monday  joined forces with Rocket Lab to successfully launch the first of two cyclone-monitoring satellites, after previous launch attempts were postponed due to weather conditions.

Just after 1pm (01:00 GMT) local time, the rocket took off from its launch site in Mahia, New Zealand.

The satellite is the first in a constellation of satellites that will measure the formation and progression of tropical cyclones and hurricanes.

The TROPICS constellation (Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation Structure and Storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats) will consist of four low earth orbit satellites.

About 33 minutes after lift-off, the rocket deployed the shoebox-sized TROPICS satellite into low earth orbit, about 340 miles (550 kilometers) above earth.

Rocket Lab will conduct a further launch of two additional satellites, though the launch date has not yet been published.

NASA Joins Rocket Lab to Launch 1st of Two Cyclone-Monitoring Satellites

Rocket Lab will conduct a further launch of two additional satellites, though the launch date has not yet been published.


(Reuters) NASA on Monday  joined forces with Rocket Lab to successfully launch the first of two cyclone-monitoring satellites, after previous launch attempts were postponed due to weather conditions.

Just after 1pm (01:00 GMT) local time, the rocket took off from its launch site in Mahia, New Zealand.

The satellite is the first in a constellation of satellites that will measure the formation and progression of tropical cyclones and hurricanes.

The TROPICS constellation (Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation Structure and Storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats) will consist of four low earth orbit satellites.

About 33 minutes after lift-off, the rocket deployed the shoebox-sized TROPICS satellite into low earth orbit, about 340 miles (550 kilometers) above earth.

Rocket Lab will conduct a further launch of two additional satellites, though the launch date has not yet been published.

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