The Technical and Vocational Education Training Organization said that 25 new vocational areas have been created in the country.
Ghulam Haidar Shahamat, acting head of the Technical and Vocational Education Training Organization, said that an innovation center, railway, hotel and tourism, and other industries have been activated within the framework of the department in the past year.
“Until now, our agriculture, administration management, and hotel management have not been in accordance with international standards. And these departments are currently in accordance with the standards,” said Ghulam Haidar Shahamat.
“The budget of the Technical and Vocational Education organization in 1402 is more than 1 billion Afghani and the development budget of the department is more than 19 million Afghani,” said Fazal Rahman Fazil, financial deputy of the Technical and Vocational Education Training Organization.
Meanwhile, the officials of the Technical and Vocational Education Organization add that the creation of the innovation center is an achievement of the department and 150 inventors have been identified in various departments of the center.
“The creation of an innovation center to support inventors for the first time in Afghanistan has been established in the Department of Technical and Vocational Education, which is a specific address for inventors not only in Afghanistan but also for our immigrants who live outside the country…,” said Ghulam Haidar Shahamat, acting head of the Technical and Vocational Education Training Organization.
Based on the information of the Technical and Vocational Education Training Organization, the department has been operating in Afghanistan for a hundred years.