The Chamber of Agriculture and Livestock said that the invasion of locusts, and flooding have seriously damaged the agricultural sector of the country.
"We are witnessing another setback from locusts in the north of the country, which have challenged our farmers and their land, which is more than a thousand acres of land. If the government doesn’t help us, our farmers and country will face big losses,’ said Merwis Haji Zada, deputy of the Chamber of Agriculture and Irrigation.
According to the Ministry of State for Disaster Management, in one month, nearly 20,000 acres of agricultural land was destroyed and 42 people died and 45 others were injured due to flooding.
“In the last month, in different parts of the country, due to floods and rain, there have been human and financial losses, leaving 42 dead and 45 injured, destroying 341 houses and 19,573 acres of agricultural land,” said Shafiullah Rahimi, a spokesman for the ministry.
According to the ministry, flooding have also caused financial loss in Kapisa, Maidan Wardak, Takhar, Badakhshan, Ghor, Kandahar, Kunar, Nuristan, Khost, Daikundi and Nangarhar.
“Land and labor are major and fundamental factors of a country's economy, and flooding and natural disasters can have negative and unfavorable effects on the country's economy,” said Abdul Zahor Mudaber, a political analyst.
The Ministry of State for Disaster Management said that in the past month, 341 houses and 20,000 acres have been destroyed and 13,000 animals have been lost due to flooding.