The Ministry of Industry and Commerce said that the newly ratified law on industrial zones paves the way for land distribution in industrial parks.
Akhundzada Abdul Salam Jawad, the spokesperson for the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MOIC), said that the purpose of this law is to manage land distribution, provide opportunities for investment, and oversee industrial zones.
According to Jawad, a committee will be formed under this law that will work on land distribution.
Akhundzada Abdul Salam Jawad mentioned the Ministry of Industry and Commerce is striving to create the necessary facilities for industrialists in the country, saying: "The aim of this law is to manage land distribution, foster Afghanistan’s economic growth and development through the regulation of industrial zones, provide opportunities for investment, and ensure the maintenance and care of industrial zones."
The Chamber of Industries and Mines considers land distribution important for manufacturers in increasing investments.
Sakhi Ahmad Paiman, the First Deputy of the Chamber of Industries and Mines, said: "Unfortunately, in Kabul alone, about 500 to 600 small and medium factories are on rented land, and this decision can provide a good opportunity for our investors and industrialists to expand their industries."
Additionally, some manufacturers have said that if their challenges, especially in the areas of land distribution and electricity supply, are addressed, they can increase their production and provide more job opportunities for citizens.
Mohammad Naseem Sighani, the administrative manager of one of the factories, said in this regard: "If our industrialists are supported by the government and their problems, such as electricity and land issues, are resolved, production will increase, God willing, and employment for our people will also increase."
Meanwhile, according to the Chamber of Industries and Mines, about 5,000 factories are active across the country, providing job opportunities for more than 400,000 people.