The Ministry of Mines and Petroleum said that the government’s share from contracted mines ranges from 13% to 65%.
Houmayoun Afghan, the spokesperson for the ministry, told Tolonews that the process of giving contracts of mines is transparent and is being held among private companies through an open competition.
“The ratio of Islamic Emirate’s share from the mines depends on the nature of mines and minerals. For instance, the share from Iron mines is 13%, from copper mines is from19.5% to 30%, from lead mines is between 20% and 50% and the share from gold mines is 56%,” the spokesperson said.
Meanwhile, the Afghanistan Chamber of Industry and Mines said the mine extraction by the private sector is beneficial for the economy of the country.
“It will be better if part of the income from major mines is allocated to infrastructure projects in the country to help economic growth. Currently, some projects like building roads is funded from the very income,” Said Sakhi Ahmad Paiman, first deputy director of the chamber.
Nasir Reshtia, an economic analyst stated: “If mines are extracted and processed inside the country, it will not only provide employment, but we will also be able add to its quality and sell it on high prices.”
Earlier, the ministry said the process of mine extraction has become transparent after the Islamic Emirate regained power and that they had contained the mines mafia in the country.