Hossein Roustaei, Iran's trade advisor, stated in an interview with Iranian media that trade between Afghanistan and Iran grew by 84% in 2024 compared to 2023.
According to Roustaei, transactions between the two countries last year amounted to $3.197 billion, with Afghanistan's exports to Iran valued at $54 million.
Some Afghan traders attribute this increase to trade challenges with Pakistan, which have pushed many of them to focus on trade with Iran. They urge authorities to provide more facilities to enhance exports.
Omid Haidari, a trader, told TOLOnews: "Due to issues with transit and imports from Pakistan, our traders and investors have turned to Iran and other countries, boosting trade with Iran. We need to create more opportunities for imports and exports."
Azmuddin Khanjani, another trader, said: "Iran has imposed some taxes. If these are removed and more facilities are provided, it will positively impact Afghanistan's exports. There are challenges at ports, but fortunately, our exports to Iran have recently increased."
Key Iranian exports to Afghanistan last year included petroleum products, gas, eggs, light and heavy carbon materials, potatoes, tomatoes, powdered milk, and agricultural tractors.
In return, Iran imported mineral stones, iron products, cotton, dried fruits, sesame seeds, and various legumes from Afghanistan.
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