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تصویر بندانگشتی

Nearly 1,300 Premature Births Recorded in Herat Last Year

Health officials in Herat have told TOLOnews that in the past year, nearly 1,300 babies were born prematurely in this province.

According to the statistics provided by officials, more than 180 of these newborns have lost their lives.

The maternity ward at the Herat regional hospital shows that up to 80 babies are born prematurely each month in this hospital alone.

Abdul Hakim Haqqani, head of the neonatal unit at Herat's public maternity hospital, told TOLOnews: “Mothers with premature babies visit us daily. The premature infants are admitted, and those who recover are discharged with recommendations to their mothers. However, some babies who need more intensive care remain under observation.”

Physical and psychological illnesses, unhealthy nutrition, and early marriages of mothers are cited as the main causes of premature births.

Abdul Wahab Rahimi, a pediatric and neonatal specialist, said: “When a mother becomes pregnant, she should be regularly monitored by a gynecologist and receive nutritional consultations to ensure she delivers a healthy baby.”

Preterm births are those that occur before 37 weeks of gestation. Premature newborns are placed in special incubators until they gain around two kilograms and can breathe comfortably. Providing the necessary oxygen, maintaining body warmth, and offering specialized nutrition are all part of the care process for these infants in these incubators.

Nearly 1,300 Premature Births Recorded in Herat Last Year

According to the statistics provided by officials, more than 180 of these newborns have lost their lives.

تصویر بندانگشتی

Health officials in Herat have told TOLOnews that in the past year, nearly 1,300 babies were born prematurely in this province.

According to the statistics provided by officials, more than 180 of these newborns have lost their lives.

The maternity ward at the Herat regional hospital shows that up to 80 babies are born prematurely each month in this hospital alone.

Abdul Hakim Haqqani, head of the neonatal unit at Herat's public maternity hospital, told TOLOnews: “Mothers with premature babies visit us daily. The premature infants are admitted, and those who recover are discharged with recommendations to their mothers. However, some babies who need more intensive care remain under observation.”

Physical and psychological illnesses, unhealthy nutrition, and early marriages of mothers are cited as the main causes of premature births.

Abdul Wahab Rahimi, a pediatric and neonatal specialist, said: “When a mother becomes pregnant, she should be regularly monitored by a gynecologist and receive nutritional consultations to ensure she delivers a healthy baby.”

Preterm births are those that occur before 37 weeks of gestation. Premature newborns are placed in special incubators until they gain around two kilograms and can breathe comfortably. Providing the necessary oxygen, maintaining body warmth, and offering specialized nutrition are all part of the care process for these infants in these incubators.

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