The polio vaccination campaign began today (Monday) in eleven provinces of the country.
Sharafat Zaman Amar Khil, spokesperson for the Ministry of Public Health, stated that during this three-day campaign, 5.3 million children in the southern, eastern, central, northeastern, and western zones of the country will be vaccinated.
Amar Khil said: "The polio vaccination campaign has started in eleven provinces. This campaign, which lasts for three days, will target 5.3 million children under the age of five."
Vaccinators are urging families to cooperate more than ever with the vaccination teams.
Masood, a vaccinator, said: "Unless families cooperate, we cannot eradicate this disease from society. Therefore, families must collaborate with us. Previously, when we went door-to-door, it was more effective than the current method."
Sayed Rohullah Ebrahimi, a supervisor of one of the polio vaccination teams, said: "Our message to respected parents is that without the cooperation of families and the government, we cannot eradicate polio from Afghanistan."
Some citizens have also requested that these campaigns be conducted door-to-door again.
Sayed Dawood, a Kabul resident, said: "Our request is to return to the door-to-door method, as it was more effective in ensuring that no child was left unvaccinated. Now that vaccinations are being done in mosques, some children might miss out because their father or mother is unavailable or busy with work and cannot bring them to the mosque."
According to the Ministry of Public Health, this campaign will be conducted in Kabul, Nangarhar, Laghman, Kunar, Nuristan, Kandahar, Helmand, Zabul, Uruzgan, Kunduz, and Herat from November 30 to December 2.