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MEHWAR: Delegates Optimistic On Doha Conference

A group of 17 members of the Taliban who met with at least 60 delegates from Kabul in Intra-Afghan Dialogue Conference on Peace in Doha agreed to reduce violence by stopping attacks on “religious centers, schools, hospitals, educational centers, bazaars, water dams and workplaces”.
The agreement came in the form of a resolution prepared by a committee of six members from Kabul and three members from the Taliban.
The participants from Kabul were from politicians, civil society members, and government officials – but they attended the intra-Afghan talks with their personal capacity.
In this program, host Karim Amini discusses the topic with Adela Bahram Nazami political analyst and former President Adviser and Zia Rafat, a university lecturer. 


MEHWAR: Delegates Optimistic On Doha Conference

A group of 17 members of the Taliban who met with at least 60 delegates from Kabul in Intra-Afghan Dialogue Conference on Peace in Doha agreed to reduce violence by stopping attacks on “religious centers, schools, hospitals, educational centers, bazaars, water dams and workplaces”.
The agreement came in the form of a resolution prepared by a committee of six members from Kabul and three members from the Taliban.
The participants from Kabul were from politicians, civil society members, and government officials – but they attended the intra-Afghan talks with their personal capacity.
In this program, host Karim Amini discusses the topic with Adela Bahram Nazami political analyst and former President Adviser and Zia Rafat, a university lecturer. 

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