Mullah Abdulhaq Akhund Hamkar, the deputy interior minister for counter-narcotics, said that in the first six months of the 1402 solar year, nearly 4,000 individuals have been detained on charges of drug trafficking.
Additionally, Hamkar noted that more than 600 major and minor drug factories were demolished nationwide during this time.
Hamkar noted that as a result of their operations, more than three thousand tons of different types of drugs were obtained.
"3,669 anti-narcotics operations have been conducted across the nation, and as a result, 3,847 people have been detained for drug trafficking and their cases have been sent to judicial bodies," the deputy interior minister for counter-narcotics said.
According to military and political analysts, the cooperation of the international community is important to eliminate drugs in the country.
"For preventing the cultivation, smuggling, and drug trafficking in the country, the cooperation of the community is needed and the international cooperation should happen for this in this area,” Sadiq Shinwari, a military analyst told TOLOnews.
"There should be a serious fight in the area of drug cultivation and production, and the law should be revised and the punishment for those who do this should be increased,” Yusuf Amin Zazai, a political analyst told TOLOnews.
Meanwhile, some citizens asked the current government to stop the traffickers in the country in order to reduce the cultivation and smuggling of drugs in the country to zero.
"The current government should be serious about arresting national and international traffickers so that the level of drug activity in the country comes to zero,” said Mohammad Wali, a resident of Kabul.
"Traffickers are the main cause of drugs in the country because they are engaged in the work of drugs, and if they are arrested, our youth won't use drugs," said Samiullah Naseri, a resident of Logar.
According to information provided by the Ministry of Interior's anti-narcotics department, nearly 13,000 hectares of land have been cleared of poppy during the past year.