The second phase of the parliamentary elections in India began at seven o'clock local time this morning. The elections were held in 89 constituencies across 13 states of the country.
Voter Adnan Khan, said: “We would vote for a leader who is unbiased and doesn’t believe in discrimination. We want someone who can uphold the constitutional rights of the public. We don’t care for any political party, we are voting to strengthen democracy.”
Voter Zarity Dubey said: "Since I am a student, I have voted (based) on issues on employment and education. I have chosen my party by also looking at the current situation of our hospitals because these small votes will help us choose our main party (at the center)."
Voter Sunita Verma said: "We all have our basic necessities and we care about the future of our children. We need these things from the government."
In these elections, Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India and leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party, and Rahul Gandhi, the leader of the Indian National Congress who is seen as Modi's main rival and leads a coalition of dozens of parties, are competing against each other.
The second phase of the parliamentary elections in India is taking place while Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India, has stirred the anger of his party's opponents with his latest remarks about Muslims in India.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, "In his speech, former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh said that Muslims have the first right to the country's resources. He did not give this statement after being influenced by others and it was also not his idea. The Congress's thinking has always been one of appeasement and vote bank politics."
With nearly one billion eligible voters, the parliamentary elections in India are reportedly the largest elections in the world and are set to continue in seven stages until the first of June this year.
The Election Commission of India has announced that the results of these elections will be revealed on the fourth of June this year.