As political tensions continue to grow between Presidential Palace and Jamiat-e-Islami Party of Afghanistan, the outspoken police chief of Kandahar, General Abdul Raziq, says Atta Mohammad Noor is the incumbent governor of Balkh and that government cannot remove him from his post.
“First, I want to tell you that you call him (Noor) the former governor but I accept him as the incumbent governor,” Raziq told reporters on Wednesday.
He added: “This is the law. Appointments and dismissals are a principle in governments, on condition that it is legal and good governance. This government is a coalition of two sides. If someone wants to remove another in a second, this would be impossible and will worsen the situation in the country.”
Raziq said there were efforts underway by some individuals inside government to destabilize parts of the country.
“They probably think that they will destabilize some ares and it will benefit them politically in the upcoming elections. This is wrong, irrespective of whatever thoughts they have. This will not benefit the people. They will not remain in office if the people are against them,” Raziq saif.
In his recent remarks, Noor spoke in support of Gen. Raziq.
“Kandahar province is very much like Balkh. Its security is ensured. They have plotted to remove General Raziq Khan. Is this governance?” Noor asked at a gathering in Balkh.
The remarks by the Kandahar police chief met with mixed reaction by officials and some MPs.
“This person is one of our own and he should be left to live in peace. His activities and political goals have no place in Afghanistan and they are not applicable,” said Nematullah Sherdeli, member of Kandahar Provincial Council.
“Injustice and inequality have resulted in creation of divisive issues in the country,” said Fatima Nazari, an MP.
“This resistance is against the law. We have a constitution in Afghanistan and according to the Constitution, the responsibilities of every person has been specified,” said Nawab Mangal, an MP.
Government sources have not commented on the report.
This comes after Gen. Raziq on Tuessday responded to recent rumors about his removal from his position, saying that he was appointed by the government and that the state cannot remove him.
He made the remarks in an interview with a local radio station in Kandahar.
Raziq said the government is a coalition government and that the recent decisions of National Unity Government leaders are not in the country’s interest.
“This government has neither appointed me, nor it can remove me. I have been appointed based on the demands of Kandahar people and I will leave based on Kandahar residents’ demands,” Raziq said in the interview.