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FARAKHABAR: Ambassador Khalilzad Again Pursuing Peace

US peace envoy Zalmay Khalilzad and EU envoy Roland Kobia, among other representatives from the European Union, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, the United Kingdom and the United Nations, met in Brussels on Tuesday to discuss peace in Afghanistan.

In this program, host Karim Amini disusses the topic with the following guests:

Zia Rafaat, political analyst 
Massoud Tarishtwal, political analyst


FARAKHABAR: Ambassador Khalilzad Again Pursuing Peace

US peace envoy Zalmay Khalilzad and EU envoy Roland Kobia, among other representatives from the European Union, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, the United Kingdom and the United Nations, met in Brussels on Tuesday to discuss peace in Afghanistan.

In this program, host Karim Amini disusses the topic with the following guests:

Zia Rafaat, political analyst 
Massoud Tarishtwal, political analyst

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