Director of Afghan Film, Javid Afghan, said the organization does not have the budget to make feature films, and therefore the priority has gone to making documentaries and short films.
“We have done a lot of work using limited means and a small budget, and we have some projects underway, we have screened some of our short documentaries that we had,” he said
According to the officials of this institution, documentary films will be made about the culture and tradition of Afghan people and women can also play a roles in the films.
Currently, five women are working in the administrative department of this organization.
“If those women who want to come here wear Islamic hijab, we have no problem,” saidTaiburahman, an employee of the Afghan Film Directorate.
Some employees of the Afghan Film Directorate stated that thousands of hours of films were reportedly kept at the Afghan Film archive, but on Ghani's order, they were moved to the Presidential Palace's archive in 2017.
"Unfortunately, in 2017, the government ordered that the whole archive of Afghan Film, together with its analog devices and equipment, be transferred to the presidential palace,” said Abdulazim Karimi, the head of production and technology department of the Afghan Film.
The Afghan Film Directorate started operating in 1347, and the institution's archive has hundreds of hours of Afghan historical and artistic films.
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