Syed Mohsin Raza Naqvi, the Interior Minister of Pakistan, announces the commencement of the second phase of Afghan migrant expulsions from his country in less than a month.
Naqvi states that all migrants without legal documentation, including Afghans, must return to their countries.
The Interior Minister of Pakistan said, "Any Afghan or anyone living illegally in Pakistan must be expelled from Pakistan. This does not mean they cannot return to Pakistan, but they can return to this country with legal documentation and visas."
However, some Afghan migrants in Pakistan criticized the government's improper treatment, saying that the Pakistani government is also expelling migrants who have legal documentation.
They request the caretaker government to seriously address their challenges in Pakistan.
Zahir Bahand, an Afghan journalist in Pakistan, said: "Currently, hundreds of Afghan refugees are spending time in Pakistani jails due to the lack of sufficient documents, which is considered a great injustice."
At the same time, the deputy minister of Refugees and Repatriation (MoRR), Abdul Rahman Rashid, asked host countries, including Pakistan, to allow Afghan migrants to voluntarily return to their country.
Rashed said, "Our request from the host countries, especially Pakistan, which has close neighborhood ties and a common border with us, is to refrain from this political pressure and cooperate with us."
Ali Reza Karimi, an expert on migrant affairs, said: "The main reasons for the deportation of Afghan migrants from Pakistan are hostility, economic crisis, and the souring of relations between the Islamic Emirate and Pakistan."
This new decision by Pakistani authorities to expel Afghan migrants comes as Pakistan's bombings on Monday in Afghan territory and clashes between the forces of the Islamic Emirate and Pakistan near the Durand Line have also elicited reactions from some countries and Afghan political figures.