A competition featuring traditional wrestling, known as Koresh, was held in Samangan on Monday and ended with the selection of seven top athletes to join the province’s team. Over 100 athletes from five Samangan clubs participated.
“We want more of such events because it improves the athletes' performance,” said Abdul Manaf, one of the participants.
Such competitions are being held with the goal of identifying fresh faces, according to Osman Mubaraksha, another athlete in the event.
Hameedullah Faizi, head of Samangan’s physical education and sports directorate, said the goal of the event is to select the best talents for the province’s top team and to project an uplifting message to the people.
“Our only goal is to send a message of peace and solidarity to the people of the country,” he said.
Officials said they hope to improve the Koresh wrestling in the province by holding such events.
Mohibullah Mohibi, head of Samangan's Koresh federation, said the competitions were held to identify new talent for the "Martyrs Championship," a competition where athletes are selected for the national team and which is planned for the near future.
"People of Afghanistan have suffered many pains; therefore, they need to attend such events, at least they can be happy for a while," said Abdul Majid Tatar, a visitor in the event.
Koresh is a traditional wrestling sport that originated in Central Asia.