Former Afghan president Hamid Karzai met with Markus Potzel, the UN Secretary General’s Deputy Special Representative to Afghanistan, and they discussed the current situation of Afghanistan and the reopening of schools and universities for girls.
Hamid Karzai tweeted that in the meeting they discussed the need for a national dialogue to ensure lasting peace in the country.
"Both sides emphasized reopening schools and universities for girls and the needs of national dialogue to ensure peace in the country," said Shahzada Massoud, a close aide to Karzai.
Earlier, political figures outside and inside the country emphasized the need for national dialogue, and they said that it is the only solution for the current situation in the country.
"The current government has to manage unity between people from Torkham to Wakhan and from Badakhshan to Nimroz so they see themselves in the government," said Mohammad Zalmai Afghan Yar, political analyst.
"I think national dialogue according to what the international community wants is not effective," said Sayed Akbar Agha, a political analyst.
Meanwhile, the spokesmen of the Islamic Emirate said that right now national dialogue is not necessary and the time for that has passed.
"It's not time to talk political issues with politicians, if they mean by national dialogue with people, the people are already with us," said Zabiullah Mujahid, spokesmen for the Islamic Emirate.
National dialogue are one of four important parts of the Doha Agreement between the Islamic Emirate and the America, and it’s not clear whether these talks will be held or not.