nearly one year after the Islamic Emirate returned to power in Afghanistan, "life was worse for Afghans than at any point in the past decade -- or for anyone else on the planet," according to a Gallup survey.
"Afghanistan has ranked as the least positive country in the world every year since 2017, apart from 2020 when Gallup could not survey the country because of the pandemic," the report said, adding that "after dropping to a global record low of 32 in 2021, the situation was not much different a year later. The country’s score of 34 in 2022 is the lowest in the world."
The Gallup surveys taken in July and August 2022 focused on five negative experiences and were conducted in 142 countries.
“Mental security requires stability, law enforcement, facilitating citizen freedoms and creating services such as employment, education and work that can bring the freedoms of citizens, and when the freedoms come, mental security can be maintained and expanded,” said Hujatullah Merzae, a lecturer.
Kabul residents said that poverty and unemployment are the reasons for their challenges.
Even though I am an educated person, now I collect bottles. This should be considered by our elders -- those who are above us -- what will be the effect on a person's brain when an educated person collects bottles to make ends meet?" said Mohammad Nayeem, a street vendor.
“We are totally crazy, I am mentally crazy, I don't understand where I am these days and where I am working, this is how it is, what else can we do, poverty and misery are everywhere,” said Ahmad Zia, a Kabul resident.
Rejecting the Gallup report, the Islamic Emirate said that the situation of the Afghan people has improved compared to the past.
"We reject this Gallup poll ... which is not valid. In the past, Gallup always made propaganda against Afghanistan,” said Zabiullah Mujahid, spokesman of the Islamic Emirate.
According to the Gallup report, a number of Afghans who participated in this survey said that they did not learn anything new in 2022 and did not feel good either.