In a conference held on Malala Day at the UN House in Nigeria, Nobel Peace Prize winner and campaigner for women's education Malala Yousfzai of Pakistan said that Afghanistan is the only country in the world to ban girls and women from seeking education.
“10 years ago Afghan girls were going to school, one in three young women were enrolled in university, and now Afghanistan is the only country in the world to ban girls and women from seeking education,” she said.
Speaking at the conference, Malala Yousfzai said: “Even as a teenager, I understood that progress could be slow but I never expected to witness a complete reversal of an entire country of girls locked out of school trapped in their homes, and losing hope.”
According to her, around the world nearly 120 million girls are deprived of education due to poverty, patriarchy and other reasons.
“Nearly 120 million girls denied the right to education by poverty, patriarchy, climate and conflict,” Malala said.
Students demand that the Islamic Emirate reopen schools and grant them the right to an education.
“We ask the current government to reopen girls’ schools and universities as soon as possible,” said Shukria, a student.
“So far, universities are closed to girls, we ask them to reopen universities for girls,” said Hafiza, a student.
Thomas West, US Special Representative, referring to Malala’s speech, tweeted that Afghan women and girls deserve full access to education to realize their potential.
Rina Amiri, US special envoy, also in a tweet expressed appreciation for Malala for tirelessly championing the right to equal access to education for Afghan women and girls.