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تصویر بندانگشتی

UNICEF Announces 950 Community-Based Education Classes

UNICEF announced the establishment of 950 new community-based education classes in Afghanistan with the cooperation of South Korea.

UNICEF has said that these classes are aimed at helping the education process of children in Afghanistan, and by building these classes education will be provided for more than 140,000 children in Afghanistan.

UNICEF said: “We're establishing 950 new community-based education classes! That's 950 new spaces to learn. Inspire. Build a future. With support from the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, these 950 community-based classes will provide an education for 140,000 children in Afghanistan.”

Currently, some children in various provinces are getting educated outdoors and do not have access to standard classes.

Meanwhile, girl students who are currently away from education, said that they are waiting for their schools to reopen.

Hadia, a 10th grade student, told TOLOnews: "Currently, we are continuing our lessons at home, but we don't have the motivation that we had at school and in the class, because our fate is unknown.”

“We hope that the gates of the university will be opened for girls so that we can continue our studies and reach a place and succeed,” said Mursal, another girl student.

At the same time, some women's rights activists, expressing their satisfaction with the establishment of these classes, asked the Islamic Emirate to provide all the available opportunities for the education of all girls.

"The government of the Islamic Emirate should use these opportunities. Open the closed doors of schools and universities so that they can provide education for women, which is needed today, and consider half of the society,” said Tafsir Syahposh, a women’s rights activist.

"Lack of education itself is a type of darkness and ignorance that spreads in a society. Therefore, the first human right is the right to education,” said Frozan Daudzai, a women’s rights activist.

After two and a half years, there has been no news about the reopening of schools for girls above the sixth grade, and it is not yet clear when the gates of the schools will be reopened for them.

UNICEF Announces 950 Community-Based Education Classes

Currently, some children in various provinces are getting educated outdoors and do not have access to standard classes.

تصویر بندانگشتی

UNICEF announced the establishment of 950 new community-based education classes in Afghanistan with the cooperation of South Korea.

UNICEF has said that these classes are aimed at helping the education process of children in Afghanistan, and by building these classes education will be provided for more than 140,000 children in Afghanistan.

UNICEF said: “We're establishing 950 new community-based education classes! That's 950 new spaces to learn. Inspire. Build a future. With support from the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, these 950 community-based classes will provide an education for 140,000 children in Afghanistan.”

Currently, some children in various provinces are getting educated outdoors and do not have access to standard classes.

Meanwhile, girl students who are currently away from education, said that they are waiting for their schools to reopen.

Hadia, a 10th grade student, told TOLOnews: "Currently, we are continuing our lessons at home, but we don't have the motivation that we had at school and in the class, because our fate is unknown.”

“We hope that the gates of the university will be opened for girls so that we can continue our studies and reach a place and succeed,” said Mursal, another girl student.

At the same time, some women's rights activists, expressing their satisfaction with the establishment of these classes, asked the Islamic Emirate to provide all the available opportunities for the education of all girls.

"The government of the Islamic Emirate should use these opportunities. Open the closed doors of schools and universities so that they can provide education for women, which is needed today, and consider half of the society,” said Tafsir Syahposh, a women’s rights activist.

"Lack of education itself is a type of darkness and ignorance that spreads in a society. Therefore, the first human right is the right to education,” said Frozan Daudzai, a women’s rights activist.

After two and a half years, there has been no news about the reopening of schools for girls above the sixth grade, and it is not yet clear when the gates of the schools will be reopened for them.

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